OUFF – an overflowing fullness.         May 8, 2019 by Florence Leclerc
“Nothing seems too much for Alexis O’Hara, who boldly dares to question and endanger herself publicly, all with a disconcerting honesty…  A work that criticizes while calling us to reflect on the time in which we live, but, more importantly, on our posture in it and the decisions we make, the individual responsibility that we give ourselves, and the impact of these choices in us and around us.”
OUFF: A Call for White Awarenence          May 9,  2019 by Karine Tessier
“For the decor and costumes of OUFF, the artist worked in close collaboration with visual artist Atom Cianfarani. The fruit of their labors fascinates as much as it horrifies. The two artists manage to breathe a dreamlike feeling into the whole, which is nevertheless an illustration of cancer that gangrenes our neoliberal society. Although invasive, the air-filled structures are made of light fabrics with iridescent pastel shades. As for the video projections, the commentary is harsh, but the face of the autrice multiplied and superimposed creates a haunting blur.
Captivating, Alexis O’Hara delivers a solid performance, without ever being overshadowed by the scale of the scenographic processes. If the subject is of paramount importance, the Montrealer approaches it with a gritty humor that frequently hits the target.”
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